David Freerksen

Software Engineer

If you work with Ruby on Rails at all, at some point, you’re going to need to make a Rails engine. It is a lot easier than it looks or sounds. Essentially, what a Rails engine is, is a Rails app that gets loaded into another Rails app. It has a similar structure as any other Rails application.

The first thing you need to do is determine a name. If you are going to put it on RubyGems, head on over and make sure the name isn’t already taken. RubyGems also has some basic guides on how to name your engine; use only lower case letters, use underscore for multiple words (no spaces), and use dashes for extensions.

Out of the box, Rails uses Test::Unit at the default test framework. Most people prefer Rspec. Both are very good test frameworks. Here, we’ll be using Rspec.

For the purposes of this post, we’ll use the name foo_bar as the engine name.

$ rails plugin new foo_bar -T --dummy-path=spec/dummy

-T tells the generator to not generate the test directory (where the generated Test::Unit files are put).

--dummy-path=spec/dummy tells the generator to build a dummy app in the spec/dummy directory. If we were using Test::Unit, the dummy app would be generated into test/dummy. But we want to use Rspec.

The directory structure should look something like this

├── .gitignore
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── README.rdoc
├── Rakefile
├── foo_bar.gemspec
├── lib
|   ├── foo_bar
|   |   └── version.rb
|   ├── foo_bar.rb
|   └── tasks
|       └── foo_bar_tasks.rake
└── spec/
    └── dummy
        └── ...

You can also add the --mountable flag which will create the engine in an isolated namespace. All of your controllers, models, etc will be use the FooBar:: namespace.

$ rails plugin new foo_bar -T --dummy-path=spec/dummy --mountable

You can also add the --full flag which will create the engine and share the namespace of the main app.

$ rails plugin new foo_bar -T --dummy-path=spec/dummy --full

Let’s add Rspec as a dependency to the gem. Open foo_bar.gemspec. At the bottom, add:

s.add_development_dependency "rspec-rails", "~> 3.2.3"

If you used the --full or --mountable flag, add FactoryGirl as a dependency to the gem. Open foo_bar.gemspec. At the bottom, add:

s.add_development_dependency "factory_girl_rails", "~> 4.5.0"

Also, if you used the --full or --mountable flag, edit your engine’s lib/foo_bar/engine.rb file to include a couple RSpec configurations. This will generate the appropriate RSpec files when you generate a controller or model in your engine.

module FooBar
  class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
    isolate_namespace FooBar

    config.generators do |g|
      g.test_framework :rspec
      g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, dir: 'spec/factories'

Run bundle install.

Run the RSpec generator:

$ rails generate rspec:install

This will create .rspec, spec/spec_helper.rb, and spec/rails_helper.rb.

Open rails_helper.rb. Change the line

require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)


require File.expand_path('../dummy/config/environment', __FILE__)

This corrects the path to where the tests can load the environment. Also inside rails_helper.rb, uncomment the following line:

Dir[Rails.root.join('spec/support/**/*.rb')].each { |f| require f }

Create support/factory_girl.rb. Inside it add

require 'factory_girl_rails'

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods

You can now either create factories for your models in spec/factories/ or they will be generated into that directory.

After creating some models and migrations, run the migrations for the test app and the test database:

$ bundle exec rake app:db:migrate
$ bundle exec rake app:db:test:prepare

Run bundle exec rspec spec.